
Child safety fair coming to Plattsburgh community – Sun Community News & Printing

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The Many Economic Benefits of Investing in Early Childhood Education – The Many Economic Benefits of Investing in … – Joint Economic Committee

When families have access to affordable and reliable early childhood education (ECE) it can help make it possible for caregivers to work, afford necessities like groceries and rent, and save for retirement. ECE is commonly used to refer to both child care and pre-K focused on kids younger than age five. These programs can also

Comic Relief US and the Harlem Globetrotters are Partnering Again for Red Nose Day Fun and Fundraising at All 44 … – PR Newswire

An Exciting Halftime Skills Showcase with Five Lucky Audience Members Will be Featured at Every Game, Along with Fun Red Nose Giveaways Funds Raised by the Red Nose Day Campaign Are a Game-Changer for Children, Helping to Keep Them Safe, Healthy, Educated and Empowered Across the U.S. and Around the World NEW YORK, April 8,

The Many Economic Benefits of Investing in Early Childhood Education – Joint Economic Committee

When families have access to affordable and reliable early childhood education (ECE) it can help make it possible for caregivers to work, afford necessities like groceries and rent, and save for retirement. ECE is commonly used to refer to both child care and pre-K focused on kids younger than age five. These programs can also

GOP opposition to child tax credit bill could be softening in Senate – The Washington Post

Bipartisan legislation to cut taxes for working families and extend certain corporate tax breaks has stalled in the Senate over Republican opposition. But the bill’s prospects could be growing rosier as lawmakers prepare to return to Washington next week from a long recess. Privately, some GOP lawmakers have said they’re increasingly willing to support the

Child advocacy: Reducing trauma through mental health services – Daily Leader – Dailyleader

Child advocacy: Reducing trauma through mental health services Published 11:00 am Saturday, April 6, 2024 Children who are victims of abuse often experience traumatic life events. There are many different forms of abuse that children experience including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, or are a witness to a violent crime. Exposure