How To Become A Child Psychologist: Salary, Education Requirements And Job Growth – Forbes

Children’s mental health affects how they think, act, feel and relate to others, and poor mental health among children can have devastating effects. Even toddlers can suffer from mental health issues. If you enjoy working with children and you’re wondering how to become a child psychologist, read on to find out what you need to

The ‘sum total’: Reimagining early childhood care and education through a gender perspective on the profession – Education International

‘Education’, suggested Austrian psychoanalyst Siegfried Bernfeld in 1925, ‘is the sum total of societal reaction to the fact of ontogenetic development’ (Bernfeld, 1973, 1925). His wide-ranging definition has profound implications as we endeavour to reimagine education for all in the 21st century: education begins at birth (‘ ontogenetic development’), education is more than schooling (‘

EA states urged to pay attention to ECDE for education quality – The East African

By DAVID ADUDA For nearly two decades, East African countries have invested heavily in primary and secondary education through targeted financial and policy interventions. And the results are illuminating. Most countries in the region have nearly achieved universal primary education, recording 80 percent enrolment in primary schools, on average, and at least 60 percent in