How many are in need in the US? The poverty rate is the tip of the iceberg. – Brookings Institution

How many families struggle to meet daily needs? It is common for popular media to report on the official poverty rate—the fraction of households whose resources fall below the official poverty line. In 2022, the official poverty rate was 11.5%.1 And yet the official poverty lines, which vary by family size and structure, are pitifully

Child Tax Credit Failure Reaffirms Young People’s Pessimism About Government – The 74

Get stories like these delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up for The 74 Newsletter Everyone’s worried about U.S. kids right now. Schools are reporting widespread mental health struggles in their post-pandemic classrooms.  “Perhaps it’s the cell phones?” we wonder. “And the TikTok?”  Sure, screens — and how kids engage with them — are part

2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book – The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Summary The 35th edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT® Data Book examines the unprecedented declines in student math and reading proficiency brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on education. The latest data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress reveals that between 2019 and 2022, fourth-grade reading and eighth-grade math scores

Expiration of Pandemic Relief Led to Record Increases in Poverty and Child Poverty in 2022 – Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Expiration of Pandemic Relief Led to Record Increases in Poverty and Child Poverty in 2022 | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Skip to main content Overall poverty and child poverty rose in 2022 by the largest amounts on record in data back to 1967, a sharp retreat from the historic progress made during the