Enhanced Child Tax Credit helped U.S. families afford life-enhancing necessities and cope with inflation – Equitable Growth

Amid ongoing congressional debate over expanding the Child Tax Credit for U.S. families, it’s important to understand why the fears about the expansion of that tax credit in 2021 were wrong. One of the more prominent concerns voiced at the time was that families who qualified for the expanded tax credit would spend the additional

US Senate should okay a simple and effective proposal to slash child poverty • NC Newsline – NC Newsline

The U.S. Senate has a crucial opportunity to expand the highly successful Child Tax Credit (CTC) by adopting the bipartisan tax bill that recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives with overwhelming support. The CTC expansion in the tax bill would provide much needed resources for 16 million U.S. children in working families with low

(Re)Drawing the Line: A Case for Updating the Poverty Measure – Center on Poverty and Social Policy

Poverty statistics are essential for determining how prevalent poverty is in the United States and documenting whose basic needs are going unmet. This data also helps to target resources and assess the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs.  A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends updating the methodology used by the

The U.S. has been fighting poverty for decades. One expert says it doesn’t have to be this way – Fronteras: The Changing America Desk

President Lyndon Johnson declared a “war on poverty” in the 1960’s. But, nearly 60 years later, millions of Americans still live below the poverty line. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated more than 11% of the country’s population was at or below the poverty line. Matt Desmond, though, says there are things all of us can