American Indian Early Childhood Education 2024–25 – California Grants Portal – California Grants Portal

The purpose of the program is to strengthen the district’s instructional program and improve the academic achievement and self-concept of American Indian students in California’s schools. The goal will be achieved through the development and testing of unique education projects designed to increase student competence and encourage participation of American Indian parents, families and the community in the design and implementation of the program.
The AIECE grant program was established to improve and support the cultural and linguistic responsiveness of the educational opportunities of young American Indian (AI) children across the California education system. This grant program provides funding for local educational agencies (LEAs) with a concentration of at least 10 percent AI students in preschool through grade four. Currently the AIECE grant provides funding for only 12 LEAs in California for FY 2023–24. Those activities include: After school curricular tutoring activities, Cultural awareness projects, Culturally appropriate books, supplies, and other educational materials.
Currently, $1,339,000.00 in funding is appropriated each year for the AIECE grant program. Each grantee is awarded, on average, $111,583.00 each year for this grant. For fiscal year 2024–25, $701,000.00 in funding will be apportioned among the 12 current AIECE grantees. This funding is needed for staff resources to support the AIECE grant program and grantees and tribal relations.
Of the 109 Federally recognized tribes, California only provides funding for three tribes to participate and receive funding for high quality State Preschool programs. Creating adequate funding opportunities will create more access to high quality State Preschool programs for tribal children and families. This is a critical step towards closing the opportunity and achievement gap and supporting school success of all children.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
Public Agency
Local educational agencies that serve a minimum of 10 percent American Indian students at a school site.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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