Comptroller report reveals high child poverty rates in NYS – NEWS10 ABC
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)— Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo rank amongst the top ten largest cities in the US with the highest child poverty rates.
According to a new report by the state comptroller, between 40 to 46% of children in those three cities were living in poverty in 2022.
“New York is 41st out of 50 states in child poverty rate in a negative way, so we have a lot more work to do in New York, obviously with a lot more work from Washington as well to really turn around this trend,” said Thomas DiNapoli, New York State’s Comptroller.
While DiNapoli couldn’t share the exact reason why the poverty rates were so high in those three cities, he did mention affordability is a problem statewide. He believes enhancing the Federal Child Tax Credit would be beneficial in helping to lower the state’s poverty levels.
“There is legislation pending in Washington to enhance that. We also have in New York State, the Empire State Child Credit as well. All of these kinds of supports and subsidies help to lift families, right? At the end of the day it’s the family.”
New York’s Child Poverty Reduction Act of 2021 aims to reduce child poverty by 50% in 2031. It established a special commission to come up with recommendations to achieve that goal. DiNapoli said lawmakers need to take those recommendations seriously.
“I’m hoping it will be adding an extra sense of priority as we head into next year’s budget process,” explained DiNapoli.
In the recently passed state budget, a $50 million dollar anti-poverty program was created to help families in Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo.